Innovative paradigm of the development of russian business social responsibility: economic and institutional factors
Anna Shulimova
(about the author)
Shulimova Anna A. – Doctoral student of the Chair of Marketing; Candidate of Science, Economics, Associate Professor (Volgograd State University; Institute of Economics and Management in Medicine and Social Sphere)
Keywords:corporate social responsibility, incompany institutions, institutional economic history of Russia, intangible assets, social innovations
Citation: Anna Shulimova (2015). Innovative paradigm of the development of russian business social responsibility: economic and institutional factors. Creative Economy, 9(4), 453-460. doi: 10.18334/ce.9.4.203
The article examines formation of social innovations as an advanced format of corporate social responsibility. The author highlights the economic and institutional factors of the development of socially innovative business in Russia. She proposes to depart from the approach which puts tradition and innovation in opposition in the socially responsible positioning of the Russian business through creative rethinking of the Russian institutional history of economy.