Assessing the impact of the technological structure of real investments on labor productivity
Dmitry Firsov
(about the author)
Firsov Dmitry A. – Candidate of Science, Economics, Applicant for the degree of Doctor of Science, Economics, Department of State and Municipal Finances (Saint-Petersburg State University of Economics)
Keywords:financial speculative premium, negative surplus value, synergies, the technological structure of real investments
Citation: Dmitry Firsov (2015). Assessing the impact of the technological structure of real investments on labor productivity. Creative Economy, 9(3), 329-342. doi: 10.18334/ce.9.3.160
This article examines the impact of productivity loss processes on the investment sphere and analyzes the underlying causes of the negative component of “human factor”. It gives paradoxical examples when the negative surplus value appears in a number of areas and industries. Based on the research, the author concludes to the interdependence of the level of productivity and technological structure of real investment.