Most important challenges of commercialization of intellectual activity results in russian higher education institutions and ways of solving them
Mikhail Balykhin
(about the author)
Balykhin Mikhail G. – Candidate of Science, Economics, Associate Professor, Doctoral Student; Prorector for Innovations and Development (Saint-Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering; Moscow State University of Design and Technology)
Keywords:commercialization, higher education institution, results of intellectual activity
Citation: Mikhail Balykhin (2015). Most important challenges of commercialization of intellectual activity results in russian higher education institutions and ways of solving them. Creative Economy, 9(1), 111-124. doi: 10.18334/ce.9.1.75
The article presents the author's classification of problems faced by the higher education institutions of the Russian Federation when commercializing the results of intellectual activities achieved therein – a total of 28 issues in 8 problem areas. The author offers some directions as regards the solution of the challenges under study.