Economic priorities of Kazakhstan during global crisis waves
Mikhail Matveev
(about the author)
Matveev Mikhail Mikhaylovich – Cand. of Econ. Sci., Assistant Professor, Department of Economics and Management Department, Kokshetau Institute of Economics and Management, Kokshetau, Kazakhstan
Keywords:competitiveness, industrial and innovative development, Kazakhstan's economy, Kazakhtan, socio-economic transformation
Citation: Mikhail Matveev (2011). Economic priorities of Kazakhstan during global crisis waves. Creative Economy, 5(5), 3-8. — url:
The paper analyzes the issues of creating conditions for competitiveness of Kazakhstan's economy, including through socio-economic and technological transformation. The role of industrial-innovative development in these processes is defined. The author reviews the statistics in the field of economic transformation. Determined the need to create an environment of macroeconomic stability and sustainable development.
References: 1. Nazarbaev N.A. Novoe desyatiletie ‒ novyy ekonomicheskiy podyem, novye vozmozhnosti Kazakhstana / Poslanie Prezidenta strany narodu Kazakhstana. – «Blm»: Almaty, 2010.
2. Statisticheskiy sbornik Agentstva RK po statistike «Nauka i innovatsii». – «Blm»: Almaty, 2010.