Kolesnikova Olyga Viktorovna – Candidate of Science, Economics, Associate professor of the Chair of Marketing and Logistics, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia
Rebrikova Nadezhda Vladimirovna – Candidate of Science, Economics, Teacher of the Chair of Marketing and Logistics, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia
The modern market of goods and services is characterized by severe competition between producers and sellers. It is also typical for women’s clothing market. On the one hand, a supply gradually increases, there are new distributors and sellers on the market, and on the other hand there are some limitations in a demand for products. Such a situation makes sellers find and implement modern marketing tools and technologies of products’ promotion. In this regard, the authors made a research which is to study the market situation of women’s clothing, possibilities of shops to promote their goods in the situation of increasing competition, the identification of the most effective tools to improve sales effectiveness. The authors studies one of such tools as the viral marketing which really deserves special attention from sellers. Summarizing the theoretical and practical material, the authors reveal the point of the viral marketing, possible methods of its use, positive advantages and disadvantages. The authors formulate recommendations on the use of the viral marketing in the process of goods promotion to a buyer through the retail network. The use of the viral marketing as a tool to promote products can be especially effective for women’s clothing stores, regardless of the fact whether they work by themselves or under franchise or as a part of any commercial structure.
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