Mukharramova Elymira Rafailovna – Candidate of Science, Economics, Associate professor at the Chair of Economics and Construction Entrepreneurship Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering
In the article, the questions devoted to management of the processes happening in the environment of the enterprise are considered. All these processes have to be followed by competent and effective management for the purpose of the subsequent use of the available resources of the enterprise. Thus certain conditions for economic balance which could lead to increase of business activity of the construction enterprise have to be created. The article examines the relationship between the resources and business activity of an enterprise, as well as the influence of various factors on the level of business activity, taking into account the life cycle. The author shows that it is necessary to manage business activities based on extensive and intensive factors. Measures to stabilize the financial condition of an enterprise and improve its financial stability, the level of business activities have been formulated.
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