Tokareva Guzely Farisovna – Candidate of Science, Sociology, Associate professor at the Chair of Economic Theory, Ufa State Aviation Technical University
Bagautdinova Inna Valeryevna – Candidate of Science, Economics, Associate professor at the Chair of Economic Theory, Ufa State Aviation Technical University
The article offers a method of diagnostics of the management method for the working capital of an enterprise. The diagnostic procedure reduces to determining the type of models used for the working capital management, as well as the sources of its funding. The type of the applied model is determined by calculating the two parameters: Z1 is the share of the working capital in the balance-sheet total, and Z2 is the ratio of short-term debt to the working capital. The appropriate type of a management model for the working capital dimension and sources of its financing, which is used by the enterprise, shall be determined based on the calculated values of Z1 and Z2 parameters.
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