Sklyarova Yuliya Mikhaylovna – Doctor of Economical Sci., Professor, Head of Financial Management and Banking Academic Department, Stavropol state agrarian University
Sklyarov Igory Yuryevich – Doctor of Economical Sci., Professor of Economic Analysis and Audit Department, Stavropol State Agrarian University
Herein one of the basic directions of reforming the Russian agrarian economy is considered – creation of small economical entities in rural areas. The role of small firms and their impact on the social and economic situation within the region, local and regional markets, and local consumers is studied in the given paper. The article justifies the development of entrepreneurship and creation of small economical entities as one of the possibly highly-productive strategies of agrarian policy of the region. Such problems as efficiency improvement of the state support of production, introduction of advanced technologies into the production process, development of credit and consumer cooperation, social protection of farmers, members of their families and workers. The ways of activization of entrepreneurial activities in rural areas are proposed.
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