Factors of Innovative Development of Building Complex Enterprises
Anna Chekhova
(about the author)
Chekhova Anna Yuryevna – Postgraduate Student of the Academic Department of Economics and Management of Construction Projects, Volgograd State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering
Keywords:cluster concept, economic resilience, innovative development environment, macro-factors
Citation: Anna Chekhova (2013). Factors of Innovative Development of Building Complex Enterprises. Russian Journal of Entrepreneurship, 14(8), 98-103. — url: http://bgscience.ru/com/lib/4232
Main trends of the factor space of environment of an innovative development of enterprises are analyzed in the Article. The Author conditionally points out 5 main macro-factors, which maximally influence the innovative environment. A development strategy of field clusters as one of the most perspective directions of improvement of the innovative development environment is described in the Article.
References: 1. Meskon M.Kh., Albert M., Khedouri F. Osnovy menedzhmenta: per. s angl. – M.: Delo, 1993. – C. 113–133.