Current Status and Trends of Development of Milk Global Market
Olyga Bogdanova, Olyga Nikonorova
(about the authors)
Bogdanova Olyga Viktorovna – Doctor of Econ. Sci., Head of the Chair of Organization of Business Activity in the Agroindustrial Complex, Tver State Agricultural Academy
Nikonorova Olyga Sergeevna – Postgraduate Student of the Chair of Organization of Business Activity in the Agroindustrial Complex, Tver State Agricultural Academy
Keywords:global milk industry, globalization of world economy, milk market
Citation: Olyga Bogdanova, Olyga Nikonorova (2013). Current Status and Trends of Development of Milk Global Market. Russian Journal of Entrepreneurship, 14(4), 107-113. — url:
Basic results of a complex analysis of a current status, problems and trends of development of milk global market are presented in the article.