Veselova Ekaterina Vladimirovna – Postgraduate Student of the Chair of Banking and Audit, Ivanovo State Textile Academy
Belyaev Evgeniy Vadimovich – Doctor of Tech. Sci., Professor of the Chair of Banking and Audit, Ivanovo State Textile Academy
Karyakin Aleksandr Mikhaylovich – Doctor of Econ. Sci., Professor of the Chair of Management, Ivanovo State University of Energetics
Russia's banking sector demonstrates the decline in the growth rate of the liabilities in the context of increasing need for credit resources of the real sector of economy and the population. This trend of the market contributes to the possibility of liquidity constraints which the financial system may face. The problem of the banking sector in expanding the resource base is also exacerbated by uneven distribution of liquidity among individual credit organizations. The article discusses the business model of a commercial bank, which allows achieving the desired level of profitability in the non-market conditions of the banking system development.
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