Citation: Diana Grebenyuk (2012). Models of Building the Trade Networks. Russian Journal of Entrepreneurship, 13(23), 137-142. — url:
The paper presents the author's classification of the models of the organizational structure of network trade companies. The strengths and weaknesses of each group of models are substantiated, the promising character of the cluster (synthetic) model is proved. From the position of system approach, the characteristic of such structural elements of the trade network as a regional distribution center and integrated service center is given. The issue of the effective balance of centralized and decentralized methods in the management of trade network is touched upon.
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2. Novoselov A.S. Regionalnyy potrebitelskiy rynok. Problemy teorii i praktiki. – Novosibirsk: Sibirskoe soglashenie, 2002. – 364 s.