Hedging of Financial Risks in the Management of Industrial Enterprise
Ivan Gulyaev
(about the author)
Gulyaev Ivan Leonidovich – Postgraduate Student, Sector of Innovation Policy and Development, Perm Branch of the Institute of Economics, the Russian Academy of Sciences Ural Branch
Keywords:financial losses, hedging, maximization of the business value, risk assessment, risk level (VAR)
Citation: Ivan Gulyaev (2012). Hedging of Financial Risks in the Management of Industrial Enterprise. Russian Journal of Entrepreneurship, 13(22), 78-82. — url: http://bgscience.ru/com/lib/3910
The paper presents the development algorithm of the program of financial risks' hedging, which is one of the necessary conditions for the successful development of the modern organization. Purpose of hedging is to minimize the detected negative trends of the environment, and it allows creating fundamental prerequisites for the effective functioning of management system of the company's cash flow.
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