State Regulation of the Market of Poultry Products
Evgeniy Yudin
(about the author)
Yudin Evgeniy Aleksandrovich – Ph.D. Student of the Agricultural Marketing Department, State Scientific Institution All-Russian Research Institute of Agricultural Economics of the Russian Agricultural Academy
Keywords:competitiveness, government regulation, government support, market of poultry products, Russia's accession to WTO
Citation: Evgeniy Yudin (2012). State Regulation of the Market of Poultry Products. Russian Journal of Entrepreneurship, 13(20), 134-139. — url:
The article describes the main areas of state regulation of the domestic market of poultry products and measures to manage its competitiveness. The situation related to Russia's accession to the WTO is analyzed. The idea is that the state's role in shaping the conditions of high competitiveness of domestic poultry farmers to be active and meet the requirements of the global economy.
References: 1. Tselevaya vedomstvennaya programma Minselkhoza Rossii «Razvitie ptitsevodstva v Rossiyskoy Federatsii na 2010−2012 gody».
2. Agrosektor i riski vstupleniya v VTO // Agroinvestor. – 2012. − № 2. – S. 18−22.
3. Informatsionno-pravovoy portal [Elektronnyy resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: