The Strategy of Attracting Investments to the Region
Andrey Prokhorov
(about the author)
Prokhorov Andrey Yuryevich – Postgraduate Student, Faculty of Management and Psychology, Department of Industrial Economics, Chuvash State University named after I.N. Ulyanov
Citation: Andrey Prokhorov (2012). The Strategy of Attracting Investments to the Region. Russian Journal of Entrepreneurship, 13(19), 131-134. — url:
The article considers the strategy to increase the investment attractiveness of the region. It suggests the methods of the managerial influence that can be used by the regional administration in order to create a favorable investment climate in the region as well as the possible means to support potential investors.
References: 1. Zhurnal «Menedzhment v Rossi i za rubezhom [Elektronnyy resurs]. − Rezhim dostupa: