Keywords:bank lending, lending to small businesses, Micro-Credit project
Citation: Elena Paschenko (2012). The Micro-Credit Project: Helping Small Businesses. Russian Journal of Entrepreneurship, 13(15), 48-54. — url:
The main financial sources for small businesses are their own funds or capital employed. The paper analyzes the issues associated with lending to small businesses. On the basis of a statistic survey of small businesses and considering their difficulties the author suggests a system of micro-crediting and underlines the most popular loan products.
References: 1. Finansovyy menedzhment: uchebnik dlya vuzov / N.F. Samsonov, N.P. Barannikova, A.A. Volodin i dr.; Pod red. prof. N.F. Samsonova. − M.: Finansy; YuNITI, 2001. − 495 s.