Managing the Interaction between Food Retail Chains and End-Users
Regina Salikhova
(about the author)
Salikhova Regina Rafailevna – Postgraduate Student, Department of Commerce in the Goods and Services Market, Kazan Institute, Branch of Russian State University of Trade and Economics
Citation: Regina Salikhova (2012). Managing the Interaction between Food Retail Chains and End-Users. Russian Journal of Entrepreneurship, 13(09), 130-134. — url:
The article is a study of the system of interaction between retail networks and end-users. The writer develops an algorithm for revealing of the features and
needs of the end customer, which is essential for the trade growth.
References: 1. Mirotin L.B. Sistemnyy analiz v logistike: uchebnik / L.B. Mirotin, Y.E. Tashbaev. – M.: Ekzamen, 2008. – 480 s.
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