Improving Competitiveness of Business Organizations through Budgeting Solutions
Ilymira Ayndinova
(about the author)
Ayndinova Ilymira Shamilyevna – Postgraduate Student, Faculty of Economics and National Economy Management, Far Eastern State Technical Fisheries University, Vladivostok
Keywords:budgeting, business structures, competitiveness, fishing business, problems of small businesses
Citation: Ilymira Ayndinova (2012). Improving Competitiveness of Business Organizations through Budgeting Solutions. Russian Journal of Entrepreneurship, 13(4), 126-129. — url:
As a way of improving the competitiveness of fisheries, the writer suggests incorporating the system of budgeting in their strategic management, which will resist factors of financial regress.
References: 1. Volkova O.N. Byudzhetirovanie i finansovyy kontrol v kommercheskikh organizatsiyakh. – M.: Finansy i statistika, 2005. – 272 s.