Contemporary Trends of Development on Housing Construction Market
Elena Tsvetkova
(about the author)
Tsvetkova Elena Aleksandrovna – Postgraduate Student, Faculty of Economics and Production Management, Moscow State Academy of Communal Services and Construction
Keywords:affiliation, building complex, construction, selfregulation, urban policies
Citation: Elena Tsvetkova (2012). Contemporary Trends of Development on Housing Construction Market. Russian Journal of Entrepreneurship, 13(4), 102-104. — url:
The article is devoted to the recent trends and problems of development of the housing construction market.
References: 1. GOST R ISO 9001-2008 «Sistemy menedzhmenta kachestva. Trebovaniya».
2. GOST R ISO 14001-2007 «Sistemy ekologicheskogo menedzhmenta. Trebovaniya i rukovodstvo po primeneniyu».
3. GOST 12.0.230-2007 «Sistemy upravleniya okhranoy truda. Obschie trebovaniya».
4. GOST R 12.0.006-2002 «Obschie trebovaniya k sisteme upravleniya okhranoy truda v organizatsii».
5. IC CSR-08260008000 «Sotsialnaya otvetstvennost. Trebovaniya».
6. SA 8000:2008 «Sotsialnaya otvetstvennosty» (Social Accountability).
7. Rabochaya dokumentatsiya proekta vnedreniya integrirovannoy sistemy menedzhmenta na OAO «DSK-2».