Rakovskaya Vera Sergeevna – Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Faculty of Engineering and Economics, Tomsk National Research Polytechnic University
Borisova Lyudmila Mikhaylovna – Master Student, Department of Economics, Faculty of Engineering and Economics, Tomsk National Research Polytechnic University
Cheremnova Mariya Aleksandrovna – Cand. of Econ. Sci., Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Faculty of Engineering and Economics, Tomsk National Research Polytechnic University
The article defines the notion of monitoring of social and occupational relationships. It gives the figures for economic development of Tomsk Region along with regional demographic data and unemployment rates. Regarding the current situation in the area of working conditions and labor protection, the writers argue that, in spite of low occupational injury rate in Tomsk Region, the number of the injured has not decreased in several years. They hold the opinion that the monitoring data can provide for determination of priorities in social policies on both federal and regional levels.
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