Citation: Anastasiya Kuznetsova (2011). Factor Risks Resulting from Financing Reassigned Claims and Methods of Risk Reduction. Russian Journal of Entrepreneurship, 12(11), 121-127. — url:
The article describes the typical risks faced by organizations providing factoring services on the Russian market, and ways to reduce such risks. The paper also contains a comparative study of risks upon loans and concessions of money claims.
References: 1. Jeff Callender. TOP 10 Illusions about Risk and Loss, Faulty Assumptions for Factors and Consultants − U.S.A.: Dash Point Publishing, 2008.
2. Informatsionnyy obzor rossiyskogo rynka faktoringa Assotsiatsii Faktoringovyh kompaniy za 1 polugodie 2011 goda [Elektronnyy resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: