Research of the Infrastructure Complex in the Region
Nina Malinovskaya
(about the author)
Malinovskaya Nina Anatolyevna – Postgraduate Student, Chair of Management, Marketing and Commerce, the East Siberian State University of Technology and Management, Ulan-Ude
Citation: Nina Malinovskaya (2011). Research of the Infrastructure Complex in the Region. Russian Journal of Entrepreneurship, 12(9), 82-86. — url:
The article deals with the examination of the issue connected with functioning and development of the infrastructure complex in the region. It considers the basic approaches to understanding the impact of the region’s development of the infrastructure complex and its components on the social and economic development in the region.
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2. Fedyko V.P. Infrastruktura tovarnogo rynka / V.P. Fedyko, N.G. Fedyko. – Rostov n/D: Feniks, 2000. – 512 s.
3. Shniper G.I. Regionalnye problemy rynkovedeniya. Ekonomicheskiy aspekt / G.I. Shniper, A.S. Novoselov. – Novosibirsk: 1997. – 209 s.