Keywords:infrastructure, innovative economic model, national innovation system, natural resources, raw material model of economy, small business
Citation: Aydar Kayumov (2011). Russian Features of Forming the National Innovation System. Russian Journal of Entrepreneurship, 12(2), 30-32. — url:
The article analyzes the features, specific for Russia when forming its national innovation system. Among them, in the author’s opinion, are experience in industry organization, science and education and significant natural resources, which determine the innovation development of the mining industry. Among the features are also poorly developed infrastructure that creates
development prospects for this particular area and the large territory of the country, which determines focal development of innovative processes.
References: 1. Medovnikov D., Rozmirovich S., Oganesyan T. Rozhdenie natsionalnoy innovatsionnoy sistemy// Ekspert. – 2010. − №36. − S.37.