Business Interests and the Evolutionary Development of the Economy
Natalyya Rasskazova
(about the author)
Rasskazova Natalyya Valeryevna – Cand. of Hist. Sci., Associate Professor, Chair of Economic Theory, Penza State Pedagogical University named after V.G. Belinsky
Keywords:economic interests, interaction of business and government, investmentclimate, motivational model, science-intensive production, small business, transaction costs
Citation: Natalyya Rasskazova (2011). Business Interests and the Evolutionary Development of the Economy. Russian Journal of Entrepreneurship, 12(1), 4-9. — url:
The issue of sustainable economic development is one of the research priorities of the modern economic theory. A study of this topic, based on analysis of economic interests of entrepreneurs can show the current state of small business and prospects for the economic evolution
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2. Chepurenko A.Yu. Maloe predprinimatelstvo v sotsialnom kontekste – M.: Nauka, 2004. – 474 s.