Keywords:application of innovations, benchmarking, continuous processof transformation, engineering, innovative activity, labor productivity, quality management system
Citation: Elena Tsybulyskaya (2010). Benchmarking for Transformation Russian Industrial Enterprises. Russian Journal of Entrepreneurship, 11(12), 60-64. — url:
The work examines topical issues of improving competitiveness of Russian industrial enterprises by means of the transformation program based on such an innovative development tool, as benchmarking. The author proves the necessity to use benchmarking for enterprise’s efficient operation in the postcrisis
period. On the basis of her own analysis and the experience of Japanese companies, the author identifies directions for improving the position of MMZ Vympel OJSC.
References: 1. Kobayasi I. 20 klyuchey k sovershenstvovaniyu biznesa. – M.: RIA «Standarty i kachestvo», 2007. – 248 s.