Modeling the Optimum Number of Employees at Enterprise
Dmitriy Sukhodoev
(about the author)
Sukhodoev Dmitriy Viktorovich – Cand. of Econ. Sci., Associate Professor, Chair of Finance, Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod, Nizhni Novgorod
Keywords:average payroll number of employees, industrial enterprise, labor market, laborproductivity, mechanization and automation of production processes, unemployment
Citation: Dmitriy Sukhodoev (2010). Modeling the Optimum Number of Employees at Enterprise. Russian Journal of Entrepreneurship, 11(10), 88-93. — url:
The article presents a method for calculating the optimum number of employees in the company to effectively release and deploy workers from outdated workplaces to modernized ones when introducing new equipment and technologies. This allows reducing the number of fired employees.
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