Samysheva Ekaterina Yuryevna – Cand. of Tech. Sci., Associate Professor, Chair of Industrial Commerce and Marketing, Kazan State Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev
Keywords:applied statistics, deflator, econometric models, econometrics, inventory management, normal distribution, random variables, statistical analysis of data
Citation: Ekaterina Samysheva (2010). Econometric Techniques in Modern Economics. Russian Journal of Entrepreneurship, 11(10), 44-48. — url:
The article examines the features of applying econometric methods in modern economics. Evaluation of objects and situations, hypothesis testing, forecasting, decision-making – this is not an exhaustive list of problems that are solved by
means of statistical methods. Read more in the article.
References: 1. Beshelev S.D., Gurvich F.G. Matematiko-statisticheskie metody ekspertnyh otsenok. – M.: Statistika, 1980. – S. 263.
2. Prasolov A.V. Matematicheskie metody ekonomicheskoy dinamiki: Uchebnoe posobie. – SPb.: Lan, 2008. – 352 s.