Ermakova Zhanna Anatolyevna – Dr. of Econ. Sci., Professor, Head of the Department of Personnel Management, Orenburg State University
Svechnikova Viktoriya Vladimirovna – Senior lecturer of economics and production management Department, Orsk Humanities and Technology Institute
Bulava Igory Vyacheslavovich – Cand. of Econ. Sci., assistant professor, Department of Financial Management, Financial Academy under the Government of Russian Federation
Improving the effectiveness of implementing of new technologies in marketing today is not possible without assessing the level of innovative capacity. One of the features of the world's scientific and technological development became the creation of large corporate structures. In this connection, the problem of relevant evaluation of innovative development of corporate structures becomes most significant. The authors describe a methodology for assessing the innovative development of corporate structures, features of which is not only an opportunity to quantify the level of innovation development in general, but also the diagnosis of certain factors. Many elements and factors are reflected in the tables, formulas and illustrations. The publication is dedicated to senior and middle management, as well as for readers who are close to the theme of innovation in the management of the development of modern economic models.
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