The Trend of the Petrochemical Industry Development in China in the Conditions of the Financial Crisis
Syuetszyuny Chzhan
(about the author)
Chzhan Syuetszyuny – Postgraduate Student, Center for Economic and Social Research of China, Institute of the Far East of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
Keywords:agrochemicals, economic growth, financial crisis, industry of china, petrochemical industry, petrochemicals, protectionism, synthetics
Citation: Syuetszyuny Chzhan (2010). The Trend of the Petrochemical Industry Development in China in the Conditions of the Financial Crisis. Russian Journal of Entrepreneurship, 11(7), 191-196. — url:
The article analyzes the state of the Chinese petrochemical industry in the crisis conditions. In 2009, the Chinese industry has managed to keep its growth at the level of previous years and the GDP growth reached 8.7%. However, a lot of problems appeared in 2010. In this regard, China»s economic development faces
many uncertainties.
References: 1. Li Ketsyan. Doklad o sotrudnichestve, terpimosti, chtoby sozdaty buduschee, sposobstvovaty mirovomu ekonomicheskomu vosstanovleniyu i ustoychivomu razvitiyu. – Davos, 2010.
2. Fen Shilyan. Doklad o promyshlennom razvitii neftekhimii v 2009 g. – Pekin, 2010.