Genkin Boris Mikhaylovich – Dr. of Econ. Sci., professor, Head of Department, St. Petersburg State Engineering and Economic University
Gerasimov Vitaliy Vladimirovich – Dr.of Tech. Sci., Professor of planning and finance accounting, Novosibirsk State University (Sibstrin)
Bulava Igory Vyacheslavovich – Cand. of Econ. Sci., assistant professor, Department of Financial Management, Financial Academy under the Government of Russian Federation
In any form of human activity there are two components. The first of these is the work performed with a given technology, regulations, scheme, where the worker does not make any elements of novelty and his own creativity. This work will be referred to as regulated or a-work. The second component describes the work aimed at creating new material, intellectual and spiritual benefits, as well as new methods of production. This type of work will be referred to as an innovation, creativity, and bwork. The results of collaborative work depends largely on the spiritual components of human activity, which we denote as g-work.
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