Kovazhenkov Mikhail Aleksandrovich – Cand. of Phil. Sci. , assistant professor, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Management
Bgantseva Yana Valeryevna – Post graduate, Department of Economics and Management Volgograd State Technical University
Makarov Vladimir Vasilyevich – Honored Worker of Science, Dr. of Econ. Sci. , professor, Head of Department of Economics and Management, Academician of International Academy of Communications, St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications
This article examines the existing approaches to understanding the commercialization of innovations, marks up their shortcomings, gives the author's definition of this concept, highlighted the stages of the commercialization process, marks up the problematic nature of the development of domestic market of intellectual property. We propose an innovative development strategy for the university on how to create control on commercialization of intellectual property for systematic working up relevant problems.
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