Melynikov Oleg Nikolaevich – Dr. of Econ. Sci., Professor of «Management» department, Bauman Moscow State Technical University
Kuzymin Dmitriy Igorevich – post-graduate, Astafiev Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University
Golant Zakhar Mikhaylovich – Deputy Chairman, Committee for Public Health at the Government of Saint Petersburg
The author discovered and substantiated "trinity Energy Management Law" which states: "The result of management actions (decisions) depends on the energy possessed by the subject and object of management, and the energy of the environment in which managing activity is running in." This law proves that the man is always a key element in the managerial system, as a result of interaction between man, nature and society comes the most complete satisfaction of the needs of each person, complying the law of nature and the laws enacted by society.
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