Yakshin Artem Sergeevich – post-graduate, Department of marketing, Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics (MESI)
Bordukov G I – graduate student Kursk State Agricultural Academy n.a. professor Ivanov I.I.
Kraft Yirzhi – professor, vice rector of Technical University in Liberec, Czech Republic
For the purpose of integration in the classical marketing complex of «knowledge» category on a base of analysis of the sources a model of knowledge is constructed. Author makes a review and comparison of the concepts of information, knowledge and product. We show the differences between the categories of «information» and «knowledge», «good» and «product», mark out their features. Formulated the abstracts of knowledge, the knowledge-product. Examples of products of intellectual labor are given. As the rationale of formulated assertions serves the lexical framework of concepts and a model of knowledge representation.
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