Romanenko Elena Vasilyevna – Cand. of Econ. Sci., assistant professor, Department of General Economics and Law, Vice Dean of Faculty of Economics and Management, Siberian State Automobile and Road Academy (SibADI)
Shiyanova Anastasiya Aleksandrovna – Cand. of Econ. Sci., assistant chair of global information resources and electronic business Stavropol State University
Kraft Yirzhi – professor, vice rector of Technical University in Liberec, Czech Republic
The article reflected the problems of formation and successful operation of private-public partnership. We show that under current conditions it is essential to create effective institutions of the state and business to overcome the crisis and improve the sustainability of development of Russian business on the priority areas that meet the challenges of structural adjustment and the transition economies of Russia on the path of innovative development. The publication has a scientific informational focus and is aimed to popularize the ideas of public-private partnership.
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