Efimushkin Sergey Nikolaevich – Candidate of Science, Economics, Associate Professor, Chair of Management, Moscow State Technical University named after N. E. Bauman
Krasnikova Anastasiya Sergeevna – Postgraduate, Management Chair, Moscow State Technical University named after N. E. Bauman
The article provides an overview of approaches to the investigation of the management arrangements for the entrepreneurial business as a creative process; the article also considers the possibility of creating the instrument intended to formalize the logic of the entrepreneurial business along with the algorithm for the development of the innovative project. Furthermore, the article provides the analysis of theoretical investigations of the entrepreneurial business as a specific process from the very beginning when the future participant of business activities has to understand the dynamics of the importance of multiple-factor choice of implementation and establishing the connectivity between themselves and the activity system leading to the understanding of the objective fulfillment – commercialization. The article gives the scheme of decision-making by the entrepreneur-innovator based on instrument categories such as funds, the very personality of the entrepreneur, the knowledge that they have, good offices and relationships that they can use.
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