Rodionov Vyacheslav Georgievich – Candidate of Science, Economics, Associate Professor of the Faculty of Economics, Chair of the Management and Planning of Social and Economic Processes, Saint Petersburg State University
The author discusses the contemporary financial and economic crisis from the standpoint of nonlinear dynamics. The causes of the deflationary transformation have been analyzed for the three major subsystems: technological, social, and economic. With the object of their mutual harmonization, the author proposes to use the principle of the "weak link" introduced by A. Bogdanov. The weak link in question is the current economic model of the rent capitalism aimed at the growth of consumption by any means, including parasitic ones. This model is resistant to innovation. We need a new model where the priority is given to the creation rather than to the consumption, the economy of creation (creanomy / kreanomika). It is characterized by such features as the culture of consumption, consolidation of the role of social psychology methods in the management ensuring the harmonious state of economic interests along with collective and private ones.
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