Churkin Artem Olegovich – post-graduate student at joint faculty of the University of the Russian Academy of Education, a student at the Russian Economic School, Master of Finance Program
Grekova Galina Ivanovna – Dr. of Econ. Sci., professor, Head of Chair of Economic Theory Novgorod State University n. a. Yaroslav the Wise
Kraft Yirzhi – professor, vice rector of Technical University in Liberec, Czech Republic
In this article the author considers the current situation in Russia in the sphere of high technologies, Influence of the raw source nature of the economy on the development of innovation sphere. Practical steps of State for the maintenance and development of this field, as well as prospects for a new engine for the Russian economy. The experience of the USA, developed the world's first exchange of high technologies is analyzed. The article raises questions about the effectiveness of creating a single large party in a given market (State corporation ROSNANO) and possible options to achieve its objectives through the creation of efficient market (for example, the stock market of high technologies).
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