Valyts Olyga Viktorovna – Candidate of Science, Engineering, Teaching Assistant of the Chair of Economy and Management, Kemerov State University (Anzhero-Surdzhinsk branch)
Novitskaya Elena Viktorovna – Candidate of Science, Physics and Mathematics, Teaching Assistant of the Chair ofEconomy and Management, Kemerov State University (Anzhero-Surdzhinsk branch)
Morozova Anna Sergeevna – Candidate of Science, Physics and Mathematics, Teaching Assistant of the Chair of Economy and Management, Kemerov State University (Anzhero-Surdzhinsk branch)
The authors have investigated the problems of the development of remote administration on the Russian market. The spectrum of forms and types of outsourcing has been considered, and the main tendencies of the development of the market of IT-services have been tracked basing on the annual data provided International Data Corporation.
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