Schepakin Mikhail Borisovich – (Kuban State University of Technology)
Mikhaylova Veronika Mikhaylovna – (Kuban State University of Technology)
The increasing role of the service sector in the developing socio-economic system, which is undergoing changes of different nature in the process of increasing contradictions and disagreements and the need to ensure its sustainable balance in terms of resource constraints, is indicated. The approaches to the description of the economic nature of the "service sector" concept on the key features that indicate the reference points in the nature of the implementation of services of different origin are identified and systematized. The classification of these approaches is developed; and their characteristics are given. It is proposed to describe the economic nature of the service sector from the perspective of resource-integration approach. The necessity of the implementation of the key principle of this approach is to achieve a balance of interests and benefits generated by participants of the relations based on the motivational dominants and enhance the credibility of reforms in this area in the direction of strengthening the socio-economic vector of the society's development.
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