Ustinova Kseniya Aleksandrovna – (Vologda Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences )
The study shows that innovations with a social orientation act as one of the drivers of economic growth. It is emphasized that both in domestic and foreign scientific literature more attention is paid to issues related to the creation of innovations, while the dissemination and institutionalization is not given due attention. This largely determines the relevance of research in this area. It is concluded that the success of the dissemination and institutionalization of social innovations is associated not only with the characteristics of the latter, but also with the organization of communications between participants. At the same time, the importance of compatibility of innovations with previous values, with past experience, as well as with the needs of the customer is noted. Based on the materials of expert interviews conducted with social innovators of the Northwestern federal district, the aspects related to the prerequisites for creating social innovations and the motives that determine this process are considered. The importance of accumulating experience in a related field of activity, as well as appropriate education, is emphasized as one of the prerequisites for social innovation. It is noted that another prerequisite for the successful spread of social innovations is the adaptation of existing experience abroad and in domestic practice, taking into account the territorial specifics, as well as the characteristics of the population groups that the project is aimed at. The paper shows that another important factor affecting the spread and institutionalization of social practice is a request not only from the population, but also from government agencies, and in some cases, the incentive for such developments can be a prediction of the occurrence of such a request. The presence of a strategic partner, as well as the emergence of competition, can play an important role in the process of spreading social practices.
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