Leschenko Yuliya Georgievna – (Institute of Economics, Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS))
Ermolovskaya Olga Yurevna – (The Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation)
Nikulin Sergey Vladimirovich – (Communication Agency)
The study of the institutional model of the Chinese financial market regulation in conditions of instability in world finance is relevant for a number of the following reasons: insufficient knowledge of the "Chinese economic miracle" that arose as a result of the rapid development of China during the period of many years of financial and economic reforms; a relatively small number of studies of the crisis period, the negative consequences of which affected China to a lesser extent compared with other countries; lack of exploration of the prerequisites for the country's economic "leadership", taking into account the current trends of Chinese economic development. The paper analyzes the structure of financial regulators using financial and economic indicators and assessing the effectiveness of the functioning of financial markets in China. The practical significance of the study lies in the fact that it makes an attempt to comprehensively characterize the features of the institutional model of the Chinese financial market regulation. The authors proceed from the fact that in the near future the Chinese financial market will become the leading one in the world, therefore the processes taking place on it will have an impact both on the world economy as a whole and on most countries in particular. Conclusions and results can be used by experts in the financial and economic sphere who are interested in the development trends of the financial market in China.
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