Dudin Mikhail Nikolaevich – (Market Economy Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences; The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration)
Subject/theme. The theme of this article is to ensure the efficiency of wage workers in industrial production in the conditions of the sharing economy development. The subject of the study is the labour of wage workers in industrial production in the conditions of the sharing economy development . Goals/tasks. Based on the analysis of literary sources, as well as international experience in the development of the sharing economy, the author aimed to investigate the features of ensuring the efficiency of wage workers in industrial production Methodology. The methodological basis of this article is the literature on the development of the sharing economy, as well as open analytical materials on the experience of ensuring the efficiency of wage workers in industrial production. Results. This article defines the essence of the sharing economy. The analysis of labour efficiency of wage workers in industrial production is carried out. Conclusions/significance. The labour of the wage worker implies the sale of one's ability to work. Therefore, the ability of a person to work is called "labour force". Labour force has always existed in all socio-economic formations. It was only under the capitalist system that labour became a commodity and was sold and bought. And every buyer of labour wants an employee to work as efficiently as possible. To do this, the employer tries to provide the employee with various incentives to increase productivity. Such incentives may include higher wages for the implementation of the plan, various bonuses for innovative ideas and rationalization proposals. The work of an employee can be automated as much as possible. THe system of lean production can be introduced; training seminars and trainings can be held, etc. In industrial production, the issue of ensuring the labour efficiency of wage workers is more acute than anywhere else, since the final financial result of the enterprise depends on labour productivity. Application. The obtained conclusions and results of the study can be used in further development of issues of ensuring the efficiency of wage workers in industrial production in the conditions of the sharing economy development.
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