Staroverov Vladimir Ivanovich – (The Institution of Russian Academy of Sciences the Institute of Socio-Political Research RAS)
Vartanova Marina Lvovna – (The Institution of Russian Academy of Sciences the Institute of Socio-Political Research RAS)
In the Russian media, the concern of the Patriotic public about the loss of our country's food security has long been a constant disturbing refrain. Its problems are systematically covered from one angle or another by highly qualified specialists, legislators, politicians and civil servants leading the agricultural industry. In addition, amendments and additions to the doctrine of food security of the Russian Federation\" and different versions of the draft Federal laws developing it are periodically made along the corridors of power and on its public sidelines. Today, Russia's food security is defined as the state of the country's economy, which ensures its food independence, guarantees access to food and quality drinking water in accordance with the physiological norms of nutrition. Doctors are sounding the alarm that the body of a modern Russian is overflowing with antibiotics and emergency surgeons, in search of drugs that have not lost their effectiveness, trying to successfully operate on the patient, increasingly do not have time to find the right antibiotic, because often most of them no longer act on the sick body. They demand to remove antibiotics from agriculture, but without them and growth hormones, animal husbandry will not give agricultural oligarchs income, and the lobby of these oligarchs in the corridors of power is so strong that in the coming decades, medical and biological threats to the demographic development of the Russian Federation will only increase. These and other facts show that the problem of national food security today not only does not lose its relevance, but becomes even more topical, especially in the light of the policy of ensuring sustainable demographic growth of the indigenous Russian population.
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