Petrenko Elena Stepanovna – (Plekhanov Russian University of Economics)
Dauletova Aziza Mekemtasovna – (Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz)
Mazhitova Saule Kalievna – (Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz)
Shabaltina Larisa Viktorovna – (Plekhanov Russian University of Economics)
The tourism industry in the Republic of Kazakhstan at the state level is recognized as one of the priority sectors of the economy. However, today the tourist market of Kazakhstan is characterized by such negative factors as the fragmentation of the participants in the tourism market, underdeveloped infrastructure, lack of investment, lack of qualified personnel, low level of service, high prices in the market of tourist services. In order to implement the previously adopted strategic plans for the development of the tourism industry in Kazakhstan in the future, removing administrative barriers in the activities of tourism entities, there is a need to improve the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan regulating tourism activities. The authors analyzed the regulatory practice of tourism in the Republic of Kazakhstan, identified the main problems of the tourism industry. Based on the analysis of international experience and practice of the tourism industry in Kazakhstan, the authors proposed recommendations for improving legislative measures and areas of state support for the tourism industry in Kazakhstan. The results and suggestions of the authors will be interesting both to representatives of relevant government agencies and researchers studying the development of the tourist services market.
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