Moskvina Olga Serapionovna – (Vologda State Pedagogical University)
One of the problems the Russian economy is its large spatial polarization, which causes differences in economic and social development of the territories, reducing the effectiveness of their resource potential for the formation of innovation-active economy regions. The article proposed and tested a methodological approach to the study of the spatial polarization of innovative processes in the economy of the Russian Federation; defined the main trends and types of spatial polarization of innovative development in the economy of Federal districts and regions of the Russian Federation; the necessity of forming an effective regional innovation policy aimed at leveling the spatial irregularity of innovative development of territories of the Russian Federation. Information base for assessment of the spatial polarization of innovative development in the Russian economy was the official data of the Federal state statistical Agency of the Russian Federation. The observation period - 2013-2017. In this study we used the software packages \"MS Excel" and"STATISTICA\". The scope of application of the obtained results: the formation of proposals and recommendations for authorities at various levels in developing strategic and tactical documents of spatial development of territories of the Russian Federation.
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