Zharikov Mikhail Vyacheslavovich – (The Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation)
The article has a goal to analyze the specifics of the formation and development of Russian financial technologies. The topic is time-relevant because the Russian government made it a national priority for the country to join the group of the most advanced states in the world. The theoretical significance of the article is determined by the circumstance that it outlays the principles and approaches to integration of the Russian financial technologies at the level of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) and the world economy. It also classifies the factors blocking and stimulating the integration of the Russian settlement system into the world’s one. The practical significance of the article’s outcomes lies in the fact that it uncovers the integrating potential of the financial and digital technologies to unite countries thanks to adopting common standards which will erase the national differences of the financial, exchange and borrowing systems of the EAEU member states without a necessity to introduce a common currency.
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