Molchanova Svetlana Maratovna – (Saint-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation (SUAI) )
Losev Konstantin Viktorovich – (Saint-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation (SUAI) )
The article emphasizes the need to possess modern methods of assessing the effectiveness of investments used abroad and in domestic practice and creating an innovative model of employee behavior in the corporate environment. The importance of choosing the most effective methods for evaluating innovative projects in order to increase the efficiency of the company and the competitiveness of products is noted. The dependence of the innovation strategy and investment on the personal competencies of the head responsible for the venture direction in the company is investigated. The influence of the implementation of an innovative strategy and the adoption of sound management decisions on the effectiveness of the company and the competitiveness of products is summarized. The article reveals the tasks, the solution of which will improve the competitiveness of innovative products and effectively implement the innovative strategy at the enterprise. The classification of innovations and their impact on the formation of breakthrough technologies that change the functioning of the consumer market is given.
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