Khadzhalova Khadizhat Magomedovna – (Institute of Social and Economic Research of the Dagestan Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Dagestan State Institute оf National Economy (DGINH))
Savzikhanova Sabina Eminovna – (Dagestan State University)
Abdulaeva Zaira Zapirovna – (Institute of Social and Economic Research of the Dagestan Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Dagestan State University)
Education is the most important component of human potential and acts as a basic category determining the development of the territory. To assess the educational component of human potential, the method of the point system of assessments was used. Each degree of complete general and vocational education is assigned a certain score. On the basis of statistics, such as the Russian Census of and a the Microcensus of 2015, the regional rank according to level of education is determined. A higher level of education indicates a high rank. The education level of the population of the North Caucasus federal district, according to the study, yet maintains growth trend: there is an increase in the average level of education of the population of subjects of North Caucasus federal district in 2015 in comparison with 2010, however, there are negative aspects observed in the education of young ages who can actively assert themselves in the near future.
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