Ganebnyh Elena Viktorovna – ( Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Vyatka State University» (FSBEI HE «VyatSU»))
Gurova Ekaterina Sergeevna – ( Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Vyatka State University» (FSBEI HE «VyatSU»))
Altsybeeva Irina Georgievna – ( Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Vyatka State University» (FSBEI HE «VyatSU»))
The article is devoted to testing the hypothesis of Melnyk et al. that companies implementing principles of Lean Management System are more environmentally friendly than those that do not implement them. Melnyk tested his hypothesis in North American companies, where Lean Management System and Green Management System are introduced almost simultaneously. Russian production practice is significantly different from the American one, and Lean manufacturing is significantly ahead of Environmental management principles. To test the hypothesis, a formed sample of a number of Russian manufacturing companies was rather small, but the results were fully confirmed.
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