Kabachevskaya Elena Anatolevna – (Kuban State University)
Kosenko Svetlana Gennadevna – (Kuban State University)
Novikova Ekaterina Nikolaevna – (Kuban State University)
The article deals with the functioning of the industrial sphere of the Krasnodar region as a potential of economic and social growth, reproducing force, serving to strengthen economic positions and increase competitive advantages. The state of the Kuban industry is presented. Problematic industries and negative factors affecting the development of industrial production are identified. The decision of the industrial complex problems in Krasnodar region are defined by the development of the strategic potential, built on the approaches of cooperation between Federal and regional management positions support and funding, creating points of innovative growth, the potential of which is due to the development of technopark zones, support funds industries. The material reflected in the article will be of interest to the specialists whose activity is related to management, planning, analytics; as well as to the investment companies, local and regional governments.
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